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Random Acts of Kindness/Senseless Acts of Beauty ~ Meeling

random act of kindness is

a selfless act bestowed upon a person,

for no reason other than

to make them happy

A senseless act of beauty,

is an act of honouring someone special,

with something unneccessary,

 but pleasant and delightful.

What a lovely concept!

It is my desire to put this concept

into practice in my own life.

I have chosen



The Hairy Peach Blog

to be the recipient of a

Random Act of Kindness/Senseless Act of Beauty


Meeling has been a follower

and regular commenter on my blog.

I am a follower of her blog.

 She is also a very sweet and talented person

and I just wanted to take this

opportunity to recognize her.

Her posts and recipes

leave my mouth watering...

Meeling, something delightful will be delivered

to your mailbox soon!! ;)

(July 12/11 ~update~)
(Meeling made a sweet post about this here)

Your coments are welcome



Deborah said...

So sweet to have friends like Meeling.
So kind of you Neesi!

Deborah xoxo

Meeling said...

Awww Denise you are so sweet!!! I'm scrolling through my Blogger list this morning as I do every morning as I sit here with my cup of coffee and low and behold I see my picture!! I did a double take and then headed straight over here...thank you so much for your kind words...what a delightful way to wake up this morning.

You have totally made my day...thank you!!

I wish we were closer and then we could have coffee and I could thank you in person. :-)

Linda B said...

This is so lovely.

Christy said...

What a touching comment! Random acts of kindness are wonderful!

Mary Marcotte said...

What a wonderful idea! Such a touching little "sussie" for a friend. "Sussie" is a word my friends and I use to mean a thank you/love you surprise gift for no real reason. They are the best gifts!

Jane said...

Found you through the blog hop and I am loving your blog. Can't wait to look around some more. I am also a new follower :)

Lisa Weidknecht said...

Hi. I'm a new follower via Boost my Blog Hop. Come visit me at www.weidknecht.com! Enjoy your weekend!