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My Do It Yourself Lightbox That Love Made

I have been trying to improve my product photography

but since I don't get very good light in my craft room

I decided to try using a light box to see if that would help my photos.

I asked my husband if he would help me

to make a Do It Yourself light box out of a cardboard box.

I went online and researched some sites to find out

how we should go about making one.

My husband didn't think that a cardboard box would hold up well so,

he said he would build me one out of materials we had in our garage,

and when he was finished he would help me shop for some lights.

(Bless his heart!)

Here is "The Making of My Light Box" in a series of pictures...

A Labour of Love

~ From  the humble beginnings ~

~ To the tweaking of the details ~

~To the finished product ~

I am so grateful for such a wonderful, supportive husband!

"Thank you, Max"

I still need to work on improving my photos 

by learning how to use the different camera settings and 

also learning how to edit in Photoshop Elements 6.0.

I have learned so much but continue to keep on learning

since I have started my Etsy shop, BeadedEmbellishments.

Your comments are welcome