To celebrate Canada Day
I've linked up to the Great Canadian Blog Bash 2011
The Great Canadian Blog Bash 2011 I am celebrating Canada and I am celebrating all Canadians by having this GIVEAWAY and by offering a COUPON CODE in my Etsy shop BeadedEmbellishments The giveaway and coupon code is open to Canadian residents only Giveaway and Coupon Code begins June 24/11 and ends July 1/11 The lucky winner of my giveaway will receive these Canadian Themed Earrings ($22.00 value) |
Red Resin Maple Leaf with White Swarovski Pearl Sterling Silver Earrings |
There are many ways to win. You choose how many entries you wish!
Good Luck to all!
One Mandatory Entry: Follow my blog publicly and leave a comment here. You can follow by clicking follow in the left sidebar or at the very top left of the screen. (Current fans are eligible ~ make sure to leave a comment below) Make sure to include your email address or a way to contact you if you win!
If you'd like Extra entries (make sure you leave a separate comment for each)
1 entry: "Join this Site" with Google Friend Connect. You can join by clicking "Join" in the left sidebar.
1 entry: Visit and "Heart" BeadedEmbellishments Etsy Shop and leave a comment here with your Etsy username telling me your favourite item.
1 entry: Add BeadedEmbellishments etsy shop to your circle and leave a comment here with your Etsy username.
1 entry: Include one of BeadedEmbellishments items in an Etsy treasury and leave a comment here with the link.
1 entry: Become a fan of BeadedEmbellishments on Facebook and leave a comment here.
1 entry: Add a link to this giveaway on your own Facebook page and leave the link here.
1 entry: Subscribe to the BeadedEmbellishments newsletter (right sidebar) and leave a comment here.
1 entry: Submit this giveaway to a linky or link-up list and leave the link here.
1 entry: Blog about this giveaway and leave a link here.
1 entry: Follow me on Twitter and leave a comment here with your twitter username.
1 entry: Tweet about this giveaway and leave a link here. You can tweet once per day and each tweet will count as another entry, just make sure you leave a separate comment for each tweet. Feel free to use this tweet or something similar:
Win Red Maple Leaf White Pearl Silver Earrings! #etsy #jewelry #blog #giveaway Ends July1/11! RT @bembellishments
1 entry: Grab my button from the left sidebar and put it on your blog. Leave a link here.
1 entry: Feature BeadedEmbellishments on your blog and leave a link here.
(Draw will be made on July 2/11 using a random number generator. Winner will be contacted via email and will have until July 5/11 to respond. If winner has not responded by July 5th, a new winner will be selected in the same manner. Prize will be shipped as soon as possible after winner is verified (dependant upon status of Canada Post at the time)
***Coupon Code***
I am offering a special code for a
discount of 10% off the purchase price of any pair of earrings
in my Etsy shop BeadedEmbellishments.
The Coupon Code is valid from June 24/11 until July 1/11. Any
Canadian resident can access this discount by entering the coupon code
Canada2011 at the appropriate place in the checkout process.


I am following Publicly
jennifer at canadiancouponmom dot ca
Loving those earrings ~ they would be perfect for Canada Day!! Hopefully I will get a chance to wear them next year ~ wink ~ wink! New follower here.
Hi Fellow Canadian, i found your comment over at Beaducation came over to say hello (Hello) my name is Lana i am from Windsor Ontario.
I am now a follower
ttfn Lana >^.^<
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gingermommyrants at gmail dot com
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@Gingermommy following on twitter!/Gingermommy/status/84652781771825152
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Those are awesome! Thanks for linking up! I am following on GFC.
Found you from #TGCBB, now following on GFC (OlderMommy, Still Yummy)
Lovely earrings. The red and white is striking. I am following now.
Also hearted your Etsy Shop.
You have amazing jewellery items, hard to pick just one that I love...I'll go with the Brown Pearl Green Crystal Swarovski Long Silver Necklace.
I visited and "Heart" BeadedEmbellishments Etsy Shop as OlderMommyStillYummy.
I'm a f/b fan (Older Mommy, Still Yu mmy
Monica Kelly Parlee
I left a link to this page on my Facebook site!
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eva at littlecooltoys dot com
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(Eva Bernth Castonguay)
eva at littlecooltoys dot com
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(Eva Emilie)
eva at littlecooltoys dot com
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eva at littlecooltoys dot com
I'm following w/gfc (talkingmomcents)
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talkingmomcents at hotmail dot com
I follow @BEmbellishments (@missbobloblaw)
talkingmomcents at hotmail dot com
daily tweet
Hi from NB- love the earrings!
GFC follower Leanne109
fan of BeadedEmbellishments on Facebook
I am a public follower.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I join through google friend.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I like you on facebook.Shari D cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I follow on twitter as 409cope.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I am an email subscriber.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I tweeted- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
daily tweet -!/OlderMommyStill/status/85308006912372736
Thank-you!! I'm now a follower on GFC as Older Mommy, Still Yummy
daily tweet- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
daily tweet
I GFC followed! under the name Truquotes!
these are so cute!
Following you in GFC - Fiona
Oops...forgot my email
fionabarnowl at care2dotcom
following you as Fiona
I heart your etsy shop. Canadian Coupon Mom
jennifer at canadiancouponmom dot ca
I added your shop to my circle Canadian Coupon Mom
I like the Gold Green Jasper Heart Pendant
I like your page on Facebook Canadian Coupon Mom
I follow on Twitter @couponmomcanada
I tweeted!/Couponmomcanada/status/85655466310504448
Daily tweet -!/OlderMommyStill/status/85705210185519105renesse
I am a new follower of your blog
I follow you on twitter
daily tweet- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
daily tweet
Daily tweet -!/OlderMommyStill/status/86075934343577600
Thank-you for linking up to TGCBB! Happy Hopping!
daily tweet- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
daily tweet
daily tweet -!/OlderMommyStill/status/86386233609170944
daily tweet
daily tweet- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
These earrings are adorable
I follow-jlindahlj
lindahl at rogers dot com
I follow-jlindahlj
Daily tweet -!/OlderMommyStill/status/86813083510652928
daily tweet- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
daily tweet
I'm a new GFC fan. Thanks for taking part in the hop and Happy Canada Day!
GFC follower
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
JOined site on GFC
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
Added BeadedEmbellishments to my circle on Etsy- simplystacie
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
Facebook fan of BeadedEmbellishments
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
Follow Beaded Embellishments on Twitter as @simplystacienet
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
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